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Subject multibeam echosounder Date 24-04-03 16:49
Writer °ü¸®ÀÚ Hit 363
Product multibeam echosounder
Model Click the Image
¸µÅ©   https://ceruleansonar.com/products/surveyor-240-16 [150]

Finally, an affordable multibeam echosounder! Bathymetric surveys with MBES technology can be more than 10x faster than surveys with single beam echo sounders. With its small size and low cost, the Surveyor 240-16 is ideally suited for deployment on the new generation of small Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs).

Surveyor is fully supported by Cerulean's SonarView software featuring live preview (see screen captures below) as well as post processing and industry standard export formats.

SonarView is available in Windows, Linux, and macOS versions. In addition, SonarView can run on any modern browser when served directly from SonarLink. SonarLink is a node.js program that can be customized for OEM applications.


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